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Transitions coaching for employees

Discover how we can partner with you to help your employees through their most challenging life events.

Working Together

Ever noticed a colleague that's struggling at work but don't know how to help? We are able to work with individual employees at your offices and provide them with the support they need to get back on track both personally and professionally and perform better than ever.

What to expect

Here are some of the possible benefits to partnering with Uncouple®:

Employee benefits

Employer benefits



You may not realise it but the chances are that a number of your colleagues are suffering from a career crises that is affecting their performance at work and quite possibly, their personal lives too.


Giving them access to a coach that understands how to handle the crises and gives them the space and tools to do so is invaluable and will often improve engagement, performance, morale and wellbeing.


Examples of career crises we can support:


It's hard for colleagues to admit they need support, especially when it's due to personal reasons. Often there is a pressure to keep our professional and personal lives separate. It's for this reason that having an impartial, confidential service for your employees can be a win/win for both the company and its employees.


Potential impact of divorce on employees:


   > increased stress

   > sleep troubles

   > less productive

   > loss of concentration and focus

   > mental health issues

   > poor colleague interactions


Potential impact of divorce on business:


   > presenteeism

   > decreased productivity

   > poor engagement

   > low morale

   > increased absenteeism

   > missed deadlines

   > increased pressure on rest of the team

   > poor customer service


Although our focus is on career crises and the divorce journey, we understand that other transitions can affect your employees too. 


Examples include:

The effects of these life events are not to be ignored and can have a significant impact on both your employees and the business.


The potential consequences will broadly be similar to those listed under 'Divorce', albeit there may understandably be distinct implications for each. Nevertheless, we can work with you to determine the exact support your employees require.

Rock in sand with ripples in sand around it
Energy Leadership Index White Logo Uncouple Coaching

Energy Leadership™ Index assessment and debrief

Each employee will take one of these assessments at the start and closer to the end of their coaching engagement to provide them with a tangible measure of their progress.


The Energy Leadership Index (E.L.I.) is a one-of-a-kind, Forbes recommended assessment that shows you your unique perceptions, attitudes and behaviours, both under normal circumstances and in response to stress, which is especially insightful during life event-triggered periods of transition.


There is also an opportunity to gain further insights into your employees' leadership competencies through comparing their thoughts on their capability as a leader with 360° feedback from up to 25 people within seven group types, such as their manager, peers and friends, via the E.L.I. 360 assessment. Group types can be customised to better represent your needs.

Getting started

If you would like to explore how Uncouple® coaching could benefit your organisation and its employees, please fill out the form on our Contact Us page and we will be in touch to discuss your requirements and whether partnering with us would be a suitable next step.

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