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About us

Helen Sampson coaching male client

Our coaching

Uncouple® offers premium, bespoke transitions coaching services for individuals who are looking to benefit from the return on an investment in themselves. The contents of our programmes are unique and tailored to allow you optimal opportunity for achieving the results you want.





To uncouple is to disconnect or release. Our primary aim is to ‘uncouple’ you from where you are and the associated stress and support you in your journey to a healthier, more peaceful place. We are experts in mesotrauma® (middle-of-the-road 'trauma') and transitions coaching – essentially, we partner with you during periods of change, whether they are chosen or imposed and stop stress from controlling you, your health and your life.

We use non-invasive, science-based and research-backed techniques that have been proven to work thousands of times globally and across several decades. These methods get us straight to the root cause of your default stress response meaning you no longer need to let stress control how you move through life. This knowledge becomes your superpower.


Although we work with people going through all life events, we specialise in offering services to individuals during career crises and who are going through or have been through a divorce. More information on our services can be found here.

“No individual is the same, so we ensure what we offer is reflective of that. We have no ‘one size fits all’ programme - your experience is tailored to your needs and yours alone.”

Helen Sampson, Founder of Uncouple®

Why us

Mesotrauma® and transitions experts

Our Founder, Helen, created the concept of mesotrauma® to combat the growing impact that ignoring the type of stress we experience when 'life happens', was having on our enjoyment of life and ultimately our health.

Helen realised that although it is important to minimise the level of stress you experience each day, the most stress was often felt during periods of significant change, such as divorce, retirement, marriage, bereavement and so on. She has a specific qualification in transitions coaching and knows exactly how to assist her clients throughout these times.


She is determined to end the stress epidemic one client at a time and ensures that each client gets value from working with her.



Helen worked in divorce litigation for several years and witnessed hundreds of divorces progress through the legal system. She realised that regardless of the skill of the lawyers, how collaborative the process was and whether the divorce was instigated by the client or not, the journey was often arduous and full of emotion. Even in the small proportion of cases that were relatively amicable, clients were still going through a life-changing event that would significantly impact their current status quo and cause stress along the way. This included after the legal proceedings were over and the lawyers were no longer involved. Helen's experience in this industry makes her the ideal choice for those wanting the sort of professional support that makes you think, "oh, that wasn't so bad", rather than it being a painfully stressful process that you need to recover from and block from your memory.


Career crises

Having spent over a decade in the corporate sector, Helen also noticed that she would often come across individuals that were deeply unhappy, unsatisfied and/or unfulfilled in their careers or loved what they did but completely lacked the confidence to thrive and often suffered from imposter syndrome. In all scenarios, they invariably wondered why this was the case and didn't know how to improve their situation, so felt stuck.


Helen, often described as brave by her peers, successfully changed career several times without hesitation. She understands what it takes to be fearless in taking action within your career, whether that's in the corporate world or as an entrepreneur.

Why now

Do you:

Are you:

If you answered yes to any of the above, ask what could be possible if you:

If you are curious to find out more, just get in touch with us here and we can discuss whether partnering with us is the right next step for you.

mesotrauma (mɛsəʊ-traʊmə)


  1. the middle point between peace and trauma

  2. middle-of-the-road trauma

  3. the combined effect of daily stressors


Mesotrauma® is a concept created by Uncouple founder Helen. She came up with the idea during the course of her work when trying to name the stressors we deal with on a daily basis that wouldn’t be classed as trauma but still impact us. Although the effects of mesotrauma® may not be obvious immediately, she believes that this type of stress is the real culprit behind stress-induced illness. Our bodies tolerate it daily yet we don’t acknowledge or mitigate it, leaving us susceptible to its dangers, which are then exacerbated by life events.

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Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainability is important to us

We are regularly evaluating our social, environmental and economic impact to ensure that we are as sustainable as possible. We believe all businesses, no matter the size, have a duty of care to our planet and those that inhabit it. As we grow, we will continually evaluate the ways in which we can contribute to our sustainability goals. As things stand, we are:

We are always open to new sustainable development ideas. If you would like to share yours with us, please get in touch on our Contact Us page.

Getting started

If you think that Uncouple® coaching is for you, please fill out the form on our Contact Us page and we will be in touch with a short application for you to complete. If successful, you will be invited to schedule a complimentary, 20-minute call where we will discuss what has brought you to coaching and whether partnering with us would be a good next step.

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Copyright © 2023 - 2025 Uncouple Coaching Ltd t/a Uncouple®. All Rights Reserved.

Uncouple Coaching Ltd. registered in England & Wales at 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX. Company Registration No. 14149905.

ICO Register No. ZB507667 


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